Friday, May 28, 2010

A new adventure....

Photo of the brick mason by

I am amazed at the talent behind all the blogs I read everyday. There are so many inspiring stories, pictures, love and laughter filling them up that I find myself wanting to see my life in words and pictures. I finally got the nerve to create my first blog so I am starting off basic people!
I am a stay at home mom with 3 kiddos to keep life interesting and busy. I have 2 boys and 1 girl ages 8-rotten 6- more rotten and 4- most rotten. I have a husband who is not afraid of hard work and is also the world's fastest brick mason (Guinness Book of World Records) I am not usually one to brag but I think that deserves some bragging rights!

I really love the beach and coffee made by me..No Starbucks for me (sorry) I wish I had more time to read good books and take naps but that is just not the type of person I am. I have to be working on something all the time. That is the reason I taught myself to sew and crochet. My hands and mind can be busy at the same time. I love photos (old and new) and the stories they tell. I could sit and listen to someone talk about their life for hours. I do my own yard work, dishes, laundry and kid raising. We have 2 dogs, 1 fish, 1 horse and lots of relatives.
I will post some of the sewing/crochet projects I have completed soon. I have an Etsy store but no merchandise. I know...I know.... I am working on it people!
Thank you to several people for letting me steal ideas from their blogs and their time. I am new and maybe one day someone will steal ideas from me too!


  1. I like it! Keep it up!

  2. welcome!

    you'll get hooked even more, now that you have a blog!!! serious!

    happy holiday weekend!

    p.s. this post is so sweet.

  3. Hi! It seems like you've already got some followers, way to go! I love your first post. It's so cool that your husband is in the Guiness book! Do they have a video of him somewhere? That would be really cool to watch :) I like to sew and crochet too, although I like to read as well. I don't DO it very often, but I like to when I can quiet my mind to do it. (Usually long car trips, afternoons at the inlaws, etc.) I have 4 kids; 3 girls and 1 boy. (Almost 8, 5, 2 and 10 mos.) Life's crazy around here too. I'd love for you to come check out my blog and I hope to get to know you better!

  4. Wahoo!! And she hits the ground running ya'll. Have fun with it and enjoy :) By the way point your car south sit in it for approx. 4 hrs and I will meet you...Under the boardwalk...down by the see-ee-a, yeah! :)

    All fun business aside congrats!


  5. I love your blog!!! Love seeing all of the neat things that you are making!! I wish that I had just a little bit of your talent!
