Thursday, April 14, 2011

New camera = New pictures

    So I got a new camera. Actually, I have had a new camera for several weeks now. I don't understand the mood I am in lately. I know it has everything to do with this little McGee baby but I have never been so UNmotivated. I declare, I don't want to do anything. (well, somethings I do like sew and crochet and sleep and eat) But the other stuff like cook, clean , organize, wash cars , wash nasty garages, nasty dogs and my closet....I can totally live without. I generally stay very busy with homeschool and taking care of the house with enough time to spare to fill my orders. Something had to give, so I gave up the house. Why??? Anyway, one of my major mishaps with the house was washing AND drying my faithful point and shoot camera. It still works but is alittle fuzzy. EXAMPLE:
Ok...perfect example of 2 things:
1.Camera issues
2.Major cooking fail and that is the reason I gave it up.
(not really but almost)

Major deer run in the back yard

But now I have a new camera and very excited to post pictures.
Sailor and Cupcake

Special order wedding garter

Special order for wedding

Silliness on a beautiful Carolina afternoon

I love it! It is nothing fancy and I am not a professional photog. (really HAHA!) but I love the clarity and the options I have on the camera to edit right there without downloading first.